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Listings in "Apartaments turístics"

From 73 €/night
Description Location Description Well-located apartment for four people, on the ground floor of a house. ...
From 109 €/night
Description Location Description Well-located apartment for 6 people, on the first floor of a house. ...
From 109 €/night
Description Location Description Lovely, well-maintained apartment for 4 people, situated on the first floor of ...
From 75 €/night
Description Location Description Lovely studio apartment for two people, situated in a quiet area, on ...
From 78 €/night
Description Location Description Apartment for 5 to 6 people ideally located on a hill, on ...
From 78 €/night
Description Location Description Charming 47 m2 apartment for 4 people, perfect for enjoying an unforgettable ...
From 64 €/night
Description Location Description Lovely apartment for 5 people with terrace and communal pool to enjoy ...
From 65 €/night
Equipment Location Equipment Nice apartment for 5 people, with a balcony and sea views, situated ...
From 97 €/night
Description Location Description Beautiful modern apartment, completely renovated, for 4 people. Situated in the centre ...
From 109 €/night
Description Location Description Well-located duplex apartment on the first floor of a residential building. Situated ...
From 109 €/night
Description Location Description Well-located apartment on the first floor of a residential building. Situated in ...
From 112 €/night
Description Location Description Beautiful modern apartment, totally renovated, for 5 people. Situated on the first ...
From 96 €/night
Description Location Description Beautiful modern top-floor apartment, completely renovated, for 6 people. Situated on the ...
From 62 €/night
Description Location Description Nice apartment, well-maintained, for 4 people with a small balcony. Situated on ...
From 55 €/night
Description Location Description Top-floor apartment for 4 people, with terrace and communal pool in Port ...
From 75 €/night
Description Location Description Lovely modern apartment for 4 people, well cared for, situated on the ...
From 114 €/night
Description Location Description Nice top-floor apartment for 4 people, situated on the fourth floor of ...
From 49 €/night
Description Location Description Apartment for four people, situated on the first floor of a building, ...
From 62 €/night
Description Location Description Nice apartment for 4 people, situated on the first floor of a ...
From 100 €/night
Description Location Description Apartment for 4 people situated on the first floor of a residential ...
From 75 €/night
Description Location Description Apartment for 6 people, situated on the second floor of a residential ...
From 47 €/night
Description Location Description Comfortable apartment for four people, situated on the ground floor of a ...
From 78 €/night
Description Location Description Welcoming apartment for 5 people, situated on the first floor of a ...
From 68 €/night
Description Location Description Modern apartment for 6 people with terrace and views, located on the ...
From 78 €/night
Description Location Description Beautiful apartment for 4 people, fully renovated and tastefully decorated. Situated on ...
From 114 €/night
Description Location Description Lovely apartment for 6 people, with a big terrace and sea view. ...
From 43 €/night
Description Location Description Comfortable well-equipped apartment for three people, situated in a quiet area about ...
From 102 €/night
Description Location Description Lovely apartment, tastefully decorated and completely renovated, for six people, situated on ...
From 194 €/night
Description Location Description Beautiful detached house with 2 separate apartments for 8 people, totally renovated ...
From 107 €/night
Description Location Description Beautiful apartment for 4 people, completely renovated and tastefully decorated, located on ...
From 109 €/night
Description Location Description Welcoming apartment for 4 people situated on the ground floor of a ...
From 86 €/night
Description Location Description Apartment for 4 people situated on the first floor of a residential ...

Visita teatralitzada "El Monjo Crispí" a Llançà

Gaudeix d’una visita teatralitzada molt divertida per Llançà i descobreix tots els secrets del poble amb el Monjo Crispi.

Durada de la visita: 1,5 h

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Caixa gurmet per gaudir a l'apartament

Gaudeix del formatge, els embotits i del vi de l’Empordà que et deixarem a l’apartament. Degusta els sabors de l’Empordà amb les caixes d’Abricoc.

Contingut de la caixa:

  • Selecció de formatges de l’Empordà.
  • Embotit de l’Empordà.
  • Vi D.O Empordà

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Vermut La Mar d'Amunt a Llançà

És l’hora del Vermut! Gaudeix del Vermut a l’estil mediterrani del restaurant LBar de Llançà, ple de sabors característics del mar.

El Vermut consta de:

  • Braves LBar
  • Calamars a l’andalusa.
  • Cassoleta de xipirons amb un ferrat.
  • Anxoves amb pa amb tomàquet
  • La Gilda de Llançà

Acompanyat del Vermut de bóta celler de l’Empordà, canyes o aigua.

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Ruta fotogràfica pel Cap de Creus amb la Margaret

Observa el paisatge a través de la fotografia com no ho havies fet mai. Explora els racons secrets del Cap de Creus amb l’experimentada fotògrafa Margaret.

Detall de l’activitat:

Sortida de 2 hores pel Parc Natural del Cap de Creus.

És important portar bon calçat i una càmera per retratar-ho tot!

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Visita + tast al Celler Hugas de Batlle

L’Empordà és terra de bon vi! Degusta els sabors del territori i descobreix la tradició vinícola de la Costa Brava amb la visita i el tast de vi al Celler Hugas de Batlle.

Detall de l’activitat:

  • Visita a les vinyes
  • Tast de 4 vins

Infants: Refresc + activitat de plàstica

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.

Experiència caiac a Llançà

Descobreix Llançà des de l’aigua i viu una fantàstica aventura practicant caiac amb SK Kayak a l’idíl·lic entorn del Parc Natural del Cap de Creus.

Detall de l’activitat:

2 hores de lloguer

2 kayaks dobles + bidons estancs

Com reservar l’activitat?

Cal que facis una reserva en un apartament de Llançà per gaudir d’aquesta promoció especial.

*Dia i hora del lloguer segons disponibilitat.